Niccolò Piazzesi

Welcome! I am Niccolò, a Computer Science student at the University of Pisa. I really like programming and I have a particular interest in compilers, programming language theory and formal methods. I hope to focus on these topics during my career. Here you will find some of the things that i worked on.

Master's thesis

Local Completeness Logic on strategic term rewriting Master's thesis at Univesity of Pisa, discussed on 2022-12-02 Slides of the discussion


Conditional Rewriting Logic: from abstract model to concrete applications A brief introduction to rewriting logic and its application to distributed databases


Attack and Fault Injection in Self-driving Agents on the Carla Simulator - Experience Report
Piazzesi Niccolò, Massimo Hong, and Andrea Ceccarelli
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security
Springer, Cham, 2021